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Ethan Hughes, PhD

Associate Professor

Ethan received his B.S. from George Washington University. He obtained his Ph.D. from University of Pennsylvania, where he trained in the laboratory of Rita Balice-Gordon. For his postdoctoral training, Ethan worked in the laboratory of Dwight Bergles at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Outside the lab, Ethan enjoys hiking the beautiful Rockies, lacing up his boots for soccer, and enjoying life with his fabulous scientist wife, three boys, and two dogs.

Anthony Chavez, A.A.

Professional Research Assistant

Anthony received an AA in Business Management from Wyoming Technical Institute. He began his career at the University of Colorado Office of Laboratory Animal Research, and now manages the mouse colony and logistics of the Hughes Lab. Anthony is an automotive enthusiast, hobby photographer who also loves live music. He is a Colorado native who loves to experience the beautiful outdoors. Anthony enjoys life with his wife, 2 sons and their Chiweenie (Chihuahua-Dachshund mix).

Gustavo Della Flora Nunes, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

Gustavo received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from UFRGS-Brazil and his Ph.D. from SUNY at Buffalo, training in the lab of Dr. Laura Feltri. In 2021, Gustavo joined the Hughes lab, where he is studying how demyelination impacts neuronal function and behavior. If you meet Gustavo outside of the lab, you will have very nerdy conversations, be introduced to cool YouTube videos and occasionally see a magic trick or listen to a half-decent guitar song.

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Clara Mutschler, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

Clara received her B.Sc. (Hons) from the University of Aberdeen and her PhD from the University of Cambridge, where she investigated axon Schwann cell interactions after peripheral nervous system injury. She joined the Hughes lab in 2024 and is excited to further investigate myelin dynamics in vivo. Outside of the lab, she loves to bake and read, and is looking forward to exploring her new home in Colorado.

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Yessenia Mancha Corchado, B.A. 

Post-Bac Professional Research Assistant

Yessenia received a B.A. in Neuroscience and in Psychology from the University of Colorado Boulder in 2022.  After graduation, she worked in Molas Lab studying the novel mechanisms, neurocircuitry of behaviors and social interactions in the IPN. In Fall 2023 she joined the lab as a post-bac research assistant, hoping to study the dynamics of Oligodendrogenesis and remyelination of memory and diseases through In-Vivo imaging. Outside of lab, she has a wanderlust drive in exploring and traveling. You can often catch her reading, writing, playing her flute, drawing, hiking, attending concerts, and trying out new food places. Caution : She's a huge Doctor Who and Lord of the Rings Fan. 

Lindsay Osso, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

Lindsay received her B.Sc. from McGill University in 2014. She received her Ph.D. from UCSF in 2021, where she worked in Jonah Chan's lab studying mechanisms regulating experience-dependent myelination. She joined the Hughes lab in 2021 and is excited to continue her adventures in myelin with some seriously cool microscopes. Besides science, she enjoys exploring, gardening, and photography.

Kristen Schuster, M.S.

Graduate Student, Neuroscience 

Kristen received her B.S. from Northwestern University in 2017 and her M.S. from University College London in 2019. Before pursuing more schooling, she worked in the lab of Dr. Hayley McLoughlin at the University of Michigan studying oligodendrocyte dysfunction in SCA3. In 2022 Kristen moved to Colorado to join the Neuroscience PhD program, where she joined the Hughes lab to continue researching oligodendrocytes. She uses in vivo imaging to investigate signaling mechanisms underlying myelin dynamics during learning. When not in the lab, Kristen enjoys science outreach, traveling, and trying new restaurants and breweries with her fellow Colorado transplant husband.

Michael Stockton, B.S.

Graduate student, Neuroscience

Michael received his B.S. from UW-Madison, where he worked in the lab of Dr. Xinyu Zhao studying the molecular mechanisms of neurogenesis. In 2019 he moved to Colorado to join the Neuroscience PhD program. Michael uses in vivo imaging to investigate the process of new oligodendrocyte integration in the cortex. Outside of lab, Michael enjoys neuroscience outreach, hiking, and hanging out with his partner and two cats.

Michael Thornton, MS

PhD Candidate, Neuroscience 

Michael received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from UCLA, where he worked in the lab of Dr. Patty Phelps studying cell transplantation therapies for spinal cord injury. In 2017 he moved to Colorado to join the Neuroscience PhD Program. Michael uses advanced optical techniques to study how neuronal activity regulates oligodendrogenesis throughout life. When not playing with lasers, he snowboards and backpacks in the Colorado mountains and also makes music with friends.

Lab Alumni

Dr. Crystal McClain (Post-doctoral Fellow), Founder of Covalency LLC

Sam Hunt (M.S. Student), DOM Candidate at University of Idaho

Sean Haghgou (Professional Research Assistant), Director of Analytical Labs, Cura Cannabis Solutions

Helena Barr (Professional Research Assistant), Graduate Student at Harvard University

Clara Bacmeister (Professional Research Assistant), Graduate Student at Stanford University

Lindsey Milgrom (Masters Student), Pathologist Assistant Program at Tulane School of Medicine 

Alejandra Quesada-Stoner (SRTP Summer Student), Undergraduate Student at CSU

Alex Ramirez (Undergraduate Researcher)Post-Baccalaureate Researcher in the PennPrep Program

Lauren Conant (Professional Research Assistant)

Manna Morris, Undergraduate Research Assistant

Johana Haynes, BS, (Masters Student), 

Corinne Parker, (Undergraduate Researcher), 

Dailey Nettles, (Graduate Student),



Copyright 2016-2024 Ethan Hughes Lab

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